Install NeuroDock

Aftet successfully installing and configuring docker, you can install the NeuroDock container in one of two ways:

  1. Pulling pre-build image from Docker Hub with docker pull [image]

  2. Building the image yourself with docker build [path to image]

The first option is the recommended method because prebuilt images are guaranteed to work and enhance repatibility even further. In additon, they are numbered version-controlled for referencing. Your copy of NeuroDock will be configured exactly the same other another person’s.

The second option is intended for devopers who make frequent changes to the PyDesigner source code and wish to test their changes in a Docker environment. The Dockerfile script is designed to build a Docker image using PyDesigner in the root directory of the repository.

Docker Hub

Pulling pre-built NeuroDock is incredibly straight forward. Run the following command to pull NeuroDock.

$ docker pull docker pull dmri/neurodock:tagname

where tagname is the version you’d like to pull. To install NeuroDock v0.2, you would run the command

$ docker pull dmri/neurodock:v0.2

And that’s it! All you have to do now is to wait for the NeuroDock image to finish downloading.

Local Build


It must be reiterated that this option is preserved for developoers; regular users are encoruaged to stay away from this method because there is no sematic versioning to referece.

1. Open up a command line interface and change directory to your PyDesigner repository

$ cd [PyDesginer Repo Path]

2. To build a Docker image using your local PyDesigner copy, run the command:

$ docker build -t [tagname] .

Here, tagname can be any name you wish to give this image. If you wish to build an image called neurodock, run the command:

$ docker build -t neurodock .

This will build a Docker image called NeuroDock based on your local Pyesigner repository.