
PyDesigner was built and tested on Python 3.7, so we enourage all users to adopt this version as well. While you may use the Python supplied by default on your OS, we highly enocurage users to adopt a Conda-based Python like Miniconda or Anaconda. Conda is a command line tool that allows the creation of separated environments with different python versions and packages. This of it as running multiple virtual machines on the a single host - you can easily switch between any for different needs, or run them simultaneously.

Download and Insall

Refer to either of these distributions’ page for installation. This guide assumes a conda (Miniconda) installation for setting up Python. If you already have conda, or prefer using the default Python supplied by your OS, skip PyDesigner installation.

Update Conda

First, update conda with

$ conda update conda

Create new environment

Creating a conda environment is recommended as this will keep all of the dependencies required for this project isolated to just the conda environment called dmri. For more information about conda environments, see The Definitive Guide to Conda Environments. Next, create a conda environment specifically for dMRI preprocessing, called dmri. You can choose any name, but be sure to replace dmri in this guide with any name of your choice.

Next, execute the following two line to create a Python environment ready for PyD installation.

$ conda create -n dmri python=3.7
$ conda install -n dmri pip

The first line create an environment with Python v3.7, while the second line installs the PyPi package manager.

Once this is all set, you may proceed with the installation of PyD.