List of Flags

PyDesigner is extremely flexible when it comes to dMRI processing. Users can easily enable or disable various preprocessing steps without changing the overall sequence.

The list below covers all these flags.

IO Control

These flags allow control of the pipeline’s I/O handling

-o DIR, --output DIR

PyDesigner output directory

Preprocessing Control

Preprocessing contol flags allow users to tweak certain parts of the preprocessing pipeline, to accomodate all types of datasets.

-s, --standard

Runs the recommended preprocessing pipeline in order: denoise, degibbs, undistort, brain mask, smooth, rician


Denoises input DWI


Shape of denoising extent matrix, defaults to 5,5,5


Reslices input DWI and outputs to a specific resolution in mm or output dimensions


The interpolation method to use when resizing


Corrects Gibb’s ringing


Undistorts image using a suite of EPI distortion correction, eddy current correction, and co-registration. Does not run EPI correction if reverse phase encoding DWI is absent.

--rpe_pairs N

Speeds up topup if a reverse PE is present; specify the number (integer) of reverse PE direction B0 pairs to use


Computes a brain mask at 0.20 threshold by default


Specify FSL bet fractional intensity threshold for brain masking, defaults to 0.20


Provide path to user-generated brain mask in NifTi (.nii) format


Smooths DWI data at a default FWHM of 1.25


Specify the FWHM at which to smooth, defaults to 1.25


Corrects Rician bias

Diffusion Tensor Control

Users may also tweak computations in estimating DTI or DKI parameters with the following flags.


Performs preprocessing only, disables DTI/DKI parameter extraction


Disables brute forced kurtosis tensor outlier rejection


Disables IRLLS outlier detection

-w, --wmti

Enables IRLLS outlier detection, disable by default because calculations are experimental


Specify fitting constraints to use, defaults to 0,1,0


Disables saving of quality control (QC) metrics


Performs post processing median filter of final DTI/DKI maps. WARNING: Use on a case-by-case basis for bad data only. When applied, the filter alters the values of most voxels, so it should be used with caution and avoided when data quality is otherwise adequate. While maps appear visually soother with this flag on, they may nonetheless be less accurate

Pipeline Control

These are more general pipeline flags that interface directly with the user or machine.

--nthreads N

Specify number of CPU workers to use in processing, defaults to all physically available workers


Resumes preprocessing from an aborted or partial previous run


Forces overwrite of existing output files


Displays console output


Diables safety check to force run certain preprocessing steps WARNING: This flag is for advanced users only who fully understand the MRI system and its outputs. Running with this flag could potentially yield inaccuracies in resulting DTI/DKI metrics