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Welcome to the official PyDesigner project!

PyDesigner was inspired by NYU’s DESIGNER dMRI preprocessing pipeline to bring pre- and post- processing to every MRI imaging scientist. With PyDesigner, users are no longer confined to specific file types, operating systems, or complicated scripts just to extract DTI or DKI parameters – PyDesigner makes this easy, and you will love it!

Click here to view documentation

Notable Features

  • 100% Python-based scripts

  • Minimized package dependencies for small package footprint

  • Preprocessing designed to boost SNR

  • Accurate and fast DTI and DKI metrics via cutting-edge algorithms

  • One-shot preprocessing to parameter extraction

  • Cross-platform compatibility between Windows, Mac and Linux using Docker

  • Highly flexible and easy to use

  • Easy install with pip

  • Input file-format agnostic – works with .nii, .nii.gz, .mif and dicoms

  • Quality control metrics to evaluate data integrity – SNR graphs and outlier voxels

  • Uses the latest techniques from DTI/DKI literature

We welcome all DTI/DKI researchers to evaluate this software and pass on their feedback or issues through the Issues page of this project’s GitHub repository. Additionally, you may join the M-AMA Slack channel for live support.

System Requirements

Parallel processing in PyDesigner scales almost linearly with the nummber of CPU cores present. The application is also memory-intensive due to the number of parameter maps being computed.

Based on this evaluation, for processing a single DWI using PyDesigner, we recommend the following minimum system specifications:

  • Ubuntu 18.04

  • Intel i7-9700 or AMD Ryzen 1800X [8 cores]

  • 16 GB RAM

  • 12 GB free storage

  • Nvidia CUDA-enabled GPU

Indices and tables